槟城 - 紧急电话

04 - 2293333 (市区)

04 - 8669333 (西南)

卫生局 :
04 - 3233143 (威北)

卫生局 :
04 - 5931679 (威南)

警局 总署:
04 - 2221522

04 - 2292222

04 - 8662222

04 - 5762222

04 - 5382222

04 - 5824222

04 - 2614444

消防局 总部:
04 - 2825744

峇央峇 鲁 :
04 - 6834444

浮 罗山背 :
04 - 8661360

峇眼惹 玛 :
04 - 8907335

垄尾 :
04 - 8270114

或 拨 999 直接 连线至各紧急单位 。


成功的定義 ( 好笑但貼切 )

At age 4, success is...not peeing your pants.
在 4 歲時,成功就是不會尿在褲子上

At age 12, success is........having friends.
在 12 歲時,成功就是有朋友圍繞

At age 20, success is...........having sex.
在 20 歲時,成功就是擁有性生活

At age 35, success is..........making money
在 35 歲時,成功就是賺大錢

At age 60, success is............having sex.
在 60 歲時,成功就是擁有性生活

At age 70, success is.........having friends
在 70 歲時,成功就是有朋友圍繞

At age 80, success is..not peeing your pants
在 80 歲時,成功就是不會尿在褲子上

這就是人生 ?! ...........
那麼 , 人還有什麼好爭的 ?!


老师问学生 : 人生自古谁无死 ... 你接下一句 !
学生答 : 人生自古谁无屎 , 有谁大便不用 纸 !
老师很生气 . 叫学生罚站 .
隔年 , 老师又问回同样的问题 ...
学生回答他答 : 人生自古谁无 屎 , 有谁大便不用纸 . 若君不用卫生纸 , 除非你是用手指 .
老师很生气 , 又叫学生罚站 !
老师看见窗外下着雪 , 就遗憾的说 : 天上下雪不下雨 , 雪到地上变成雨 . 雪变雨来多麻烦 , 为何当初不下雨 ...
学生又回复老师 : 老师吃饭不吃屎 , 饭到肚里变成屎 . 饭变屎来多麻 烦 , 为何当初不吃屎 ...
老师当场晕倒 !!!


Hari Raya Bonus Released

HY Bonuses Released !! Gong Xi Fa Cai to Everyone!!


Urgent Message !!!

To All Splendid Approach members,
If somebody called bm_toon7@hotmail.com adds you to their account/invites you, DON'T accept it because it's a hacker. Tell everyone on your list because if somebody on yours adds them,you get them on your list and he'll figure out your ID computer address.
So forward this blog to everyone even if you! don't like them and fast..because if he hacks their mail,he hacks yours!


Upcoming Events

Member Get Member Incentives
1) 17th December 2007 to 24th December 2007 - The first 15 members who join SA would receive a mystery gift.
2) 17th December 2007 to 24th December 2007 - Leaders who recruit more than 15 downlines would receive a mystery gift.

SA-MALL Is Ready (17th December 2007)
We are pleased to inform all members that our mall is ready and we would be placing products from our merchants starting today. Have fun shopping.

Visit By Cambodia's Former Prime Minister And Senator To SA Marketing Office